Tanja Nicolaisen

Registered since 15. Feb 2018
Points 801
Records 179
Pictures 180
This user's records
Acicular succulent leaves  Amaranthaceae
Amber  Bernstein
Atlantic razor clam  Ensis directus
Bagged dog faeces  OSPAR Kategorie 121
Balloons, valves, strings  OSPAR Kategorie 49
Batteries  Batterien
Bird droppings  Aves (Faeces)
Bladder Wrack  Fucus vesiculosus
Blue mussel   Mytilus edulis
Branch, sawed off  Ast, abgesägt
Bread-crumb sponge  Halichondria panicea
Brick  Ziegel
Cigarette lighters  OSPAR Kategorie 16
Cigarette packets  OSPAR Kategorie 63
Citrus fruit  Zitrusfrucht
Clawed Fork Weed  Furcellaria lumbricalis
Clumps of rust  Rostklumpen
Common brown shrimp  Crangon crangon
Common cockle  Cerastoderma edule
Common periwinkle  Littorina littorea
Common porpoise  Phocoena phocoena
Common reed  Phragmites australis
Common starfish  Asterias rubens
Contour feathers  Aves (Plumulae)
Cow pat  Bos primigenius taurus (faeces)
Crisp/sweet packets and lolly sticks  OSPAR Kategorie 19
Duck's skulls  Anatidae (Cranium)
Fish boxes  OSPAR Kategorie 34
Flat periwinkle  Littorina obtusata
Flint stone  Flint / Feuerstein
Glass shard  OSPAR Kategorie 93,1
Hard plastic fragment  OSPAR Kategorie 20,1
Herring  Clupea harengus
Kelp leaves  Laminaria spec (phylloid)
Lesser sand eel  Ammodytes tobianus
Lion's mane jellyfish    Cyanea capillata
Lumpsucker eggs  Cyclopterus lumpus (eggs)
Mammal long bone  Mammalia (Ossa longa)
Mammal vertebra  Mammalia gen spec (Vertebrae)
Marram grass  Ammophila arenaria
Medical container / tubes  OSPAR Kategorie 103
Message in a bottle  OSPAR Kategorie 12
Muskrat  Ondatra zibethicus
Natural stone  Natursteine
Nets and pieces of net > 50 cm  OSPAR Kategorie 116
Other bones  Vertebrata gen spec (Ossa)
Other ceramics/pottery items  OSPAR Kategorie 96
Other metal pieces < 50 cm  OSPAR Kategorie 89
Other metal pieces > 50 cm  OSPAR Kategorie 90
Paraffin or wax pieces > 10 cm  OSPAR Kategorie 110
Peppery furrow shell  Scrobicularia plana
Petrified sea urchin  Echinoidea (fossil)
Pipes  Rohre
Plastic foil, small piece  Folienstück klein
Plastic pieces 0 - 2,5 cm  OSPAR Kategorie 117
Plastic pieces > 50 cm  Plastikteil groß
Pumice rock  Bims
Quartzite  Quarzit
Razor clam siphon  Ensis directus (Sipho)
Sand wolf spider  Arctosa perita
Secondary wing feathers  Aves (primaries)
Serrated leaves  Asteraceae
Serrated Wrack, Toothed Wrack  Fucus serratus
Shield bugs  Pentatomidae gen spec
Shoe, right foot  OSPAR Kategorien 44/57,2
Shore crab   Carcinus maenas
Shore crab carapax  Carcinus maenas (Carapax)
Shotgun cartridges  OSPAR Kategorie 43
Snail columella  Prosobranchia gen spec Columella
Softshell clam  Mya arenaria
spatulate leaves  Plumbaginaceae
String and cord (diameter < 1 cm)  OSPAR Kategorie 32
Thunderstone, guard  Belemnites gen spec (fossil)
Tiles  OSPAR Kategorie 94
Tree, stem  Stamm, Baum
Tyres and belts  OSPAR Kategorie 52
Violet oil beetle  Meloe violaceus
White piddock  Barnea candida
Wing coverts  Aves (secondary coverts)
Work glove  Arbeitshandschuh
This profile
  • Name: Tanja Nicolaisen
  • Points: 801
  • Registered since: 15. Feb 2018
  • Status: Advanced user